The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
Nehemiah: The Back Story

Nehemiah: The Back Story

The End Times Podcast | Host, Dr. Stephen Phinney


We live in troubling times with political, cultural, and church fighting.  We live in a simply upside-wrong society, where what was once wrong is right, and what was once right is wrong.  Where are the Lord’s quality leaders?  Where are our modern-day Nehemiah types?  Do they exist? We need sound teachers who present accurate facts related to scripture—free from meaningless cliches and relevant to our current events—men and women like Nehemiah. 

This podcast is based on my book, Nehemiah, The Man & The Legend, and presents realistic observations of our present culture while evaluating how each one applies to the eschatological truths in the Old and New Testaments. 

In the book of Nehemiah, the man who led God’s people is presented in three roles.  Early in the book, he is the cupbearer to the king, a servant.  Midway through the story, he is a builder of the wall, and in the third part of the book, he is the governor of the city and surrounding sections of Jerusalem.  Nehemiah was an authentic leader of God.  This book emphasizes the use of having one hand free to rebuild while keeping the other on the Sword of the Spirit.  We are praying that this book blesses you beyond measure.

Nehemiah is considered the Old Testament depictive of Jesus Christ Himself.  We will take the verses given to us from the book of Nehemiah and extract the eschatology or end times stated throughout this book.  We will also reference other books and other leaders that God placed in the Old Testament, literally to set up for the Great Messiah, and of course, that’s Jesus Christ. 

Most of the prophecies stated in the Old Testament were given to us by God to set us up for the arrival of Jesus Christ and to understand the book of Revelation. 


…  We live in a world that needs a modern-day Nehemiah.

…  Israel is under attack 24 hours a day.

…  One by one, countries are turning against our motherland—Israel.  On most days, you will see Israel in the news.  How does this tiny country seem to create such a global crisis in many countries today?

…  Israel’s political and cultural walls are down. 

…  The populous, in general, does not understand that today Israel is one of the most liberal countries in the entire world.  We need to look at the reasons why this is true.  Since Israel is considered one of the most liberal countries, the culture that has crept into authentic, Orthodox Jewish Judaism becomes our concern as born-again, indwelt believers.

…  What can the Body of Christ do to help her?

“The remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach, and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are burned with fire.”  Nehemiah 1:3

There are significant circumstances and history behind how and why Israel was able to drop its guard so that the influence of the Babylonian culture could overpower their lives as they knew it.  This is one of the key reasons we need to look at the history behind the time of Nehemiah. 


At the time of Nehemiah, the protective walls guarding Jerusalem were broken down, and the morale and infrastructure of the city were deplorable.  The Jews were acting like Babylonians.  The city's men were lazy and functioned like cowards, turning their city over to their greatest enemy.  The leadership was covertly allowing religions outside of Judaism to penetrate the hearts of their people, resulting in a pluralistic, lukewarm, liberal society. 

Does all this sound familiar to you?  Well, even though the United States is known for dropping its borders, Israel and many other countries are being set up by Satan one more time to return to the state of affairs in the days of Nehemiah.

The story of Nehemiah is so significant it almost parallels what is happening in global religions, cultures, and governments.  I am doing this study because I believe most people, saved or not, need to understand that history does repeat itself.  God usually repeats history to help people understand what He said, even thousands of years ago. Listen to the full podcast…

Narrator | Dr. Stephen Phinney

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The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
Welcome to: 'End Times Podcast,' an outreach of Identity Matters Productions & IOM America. A podcast helping members of the body of Christ to experience a well-balanced view of modern events and how they apply to Biblical prophecies.