The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
Nehemiah: Self-Evaluation

Nehemiah: Self-Evaluation

The End Times Podcast | Host, Dr. Stephen Phinney

“Nehemiah, The Man & The Legend” Book Available Fall of 2023


One of the primary issues Nehemiah had to deal with was the staggering wealth inequality.  The widespread poverty in the land had forced many to borrow large sums of money from the wealthy.  Later, when they could not pay back the debt, they pawned off their possessions one by one to repay their loans.  The situation deteriorated, and some poverty-stricken populace sold their daughters into slavery to pay off their debts.  In God’s name, what leader would do that?  Desperate men of cowardice have done this for centuries—selling their people into slavery.

With mounting debt and no source of income, now that their fields and vineyards had been repossessed, many Jews had no way of pulling themselves out of the red.  Many saw no other recourse other than selling themselves as slaves.  Nehemiah immediately set out to rectify this.  He gathered the nobles and wealthy men and began berating them in front of large crowds.  He reminded them of how money was being raised to buy back Jews from slavery and that their actions were likely to force many brethren to sell themselves as slaves repeatedly and voluntarily.  Nehemiah must have thought that this erroneous act needed to be stopped immediately. 

As expected of all God’s leaders, Nehemiah announced he would forego all the money owed to him by the poor and that he would be returning any properly he had collected from them in place of payment.  He encouraged the wealthy to do the same.  By the power of God, the people heeded Nehemiah's words. Those gathered agreed to return all confiscated property and forego any outstanding debts.  This drastic reform provided many with a clean slate, which jump-started the economy for rebuilding Jerusalem. 

Additionally, Nehemiah refused to accept payment for the entirety of his tenure as governor of Jerusalem, which was in stark contrast to his predecessors, who had used their power to levy high taxes to support lavish lifestyles.  As proof of Nehemiah’s proposal, he hosted more than 150 people daily for meals—paid for them right out of his pocket.


Let’s say you are doing okay as a leader or follower, but you have the God-given passion for leading/following more effectively.  While you have built a foundation of leadership or following, there is nothing wrong with improving your skills and becoming more effective as a model of Biblical leadership and submission by releasing Christ’s ability in you.  You might be well on your way to becoming a respectful servant unto the Lord; however, you should never be satisfied with average submission when you can become a model for others by advancing the leadership of Christ in you.

Many skills and competencies are available to help you discover a leadership level or following few have embraced when combined with and applied through the release of Christ in you.  Christ can develop in you the style and method that has worked perfectly throughout eternity. And yes, it can become yours. After all, how can you expect God to answer your prayers of rebuilding a home, nation, or church without your involvement in His doctrinal methods of rebuilding?  He won’t!

God never changes His leadership methods no matter the condition of society, particularly in a society that cannot be told what to do.  In such cases, God turns a society over to itself until the conditions beg for a leader. 


Christ-as-Life leaders tend to have Christ-confidence and a release of His mind in them and those who submit to them. These two key areas of personal growth and development are fundamental to Biblical leadership success and the success of those who follow.

Christ-confident people are usually inspiring. People like to be around individuals who believe in the practicalities of the indwelling Life of Jesus and how He can work out His leadership in the leader they serve.  Likewise, if you’re a Christ-as-Life leader and optimistic that “all things work together for good” (Romans 8:28), you’ll find it much easier to motivate people to be the same. 

Christ-confidence is built by mastering practical skills in situations and by knowing that Christ can add real value through the work He does through you.  One of the best ways to improve your confidence is to become aware of all the leadership development He has already invested in you and your followers.  These skills have eternal value. An excellent question to ask yourself is, what is your level of understanding of the Christ-as-Life modality of leadership? 

A mindset on the indwelling mind of Christ is also associated with strong leadership.  However, being positive in Christ is much more than presenting a Christ-centered attitude toward the work of rebuilding; you need to develop a strong sense of balance, recognizing that setbacks and problems are a part of the work Christ has set before you.  How you deal with these problems is what makes all the difference.  As for followers and workers, it redirects the temptation to insult their leaders by replacing the insults with ideas for improvement.

Leaders' betrayal is a common reaction for those who have dedicated their lives to leading. Workers expect perfection from the leaders they follow.  When the leader reveals flaws, the followers dump them at the snap of misjudgment, resulting in the leader having to restart their mission and constantly recruit more workers repeatedly.  However, If the leader has workers who remain faithful through thick and thin, the task can be readjusted and advanced despite the challenges.  Sadly, this is no longer the norm in our society today. 

The concept of dump-and-go has become the expected behavior of followers.  In our culture, the masses change leaders as often as they change their shoes.  Authentic Christ-centered leaders approach this situation realistically and prepare to make the changes necessary to overcome worker betrayal.  Most have a plan to replenish forsaken workers.  On the other hand, opposing leaders often give in to the stress and pressure of the situation by retiring or giving up on the mission altogether.

When leaders become discouraged, they tend to forget that their decision to give up embeds fear, worry, distress, anger, and failure in the faithful ones who continue to follow them.  Resting in Christ is the perfect way of getting rid of the negative thoughts, feelings, and temptations to give up or to give up on your leader.  Understanding your fleshly thinking patterns and learning to identify and eliminate negative demonic thinking is vital.  You can know how to do this by focusing your mind on your identity in Christ.  Authentic leaders need to tap into the indwelling Leader, Jesus.  Furthermore, their followers need like-minded truth in supporting their leaders. 

I have been told that the masses are socially and mentally challenged regarding relational skills and practical obedience to authority.  Relational skills were once a precise understanding of the specific human interaction needed to be productive within leadership.  While I agree with this analysis, we see this new-norm upside wrong in today’s culture. Leaders need to balance relationship skills and leading without allowing relationships to block quality leadership.

Listen to the full podcast…

Narrator | Dr. Stephen Phinney

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The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
Welcome to: 'End Times Podcast,' an outreach of Identity Matters Productions & IOM America. A podcast helping members of the body of Christ to experience a well-balanced view of modern events and how they apply to Biblical prophecies.