Thank you for this wonderful lesson 🩷

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You are welcome, Susan. I am blessed that the Lord touched you through my "Spiritual Depression" essay and video. May He bless you abundantly.

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Great teaching to help people navigate their way to the Truth and find the Freedom waiting for them there. 🙏👍🏻

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Number 10, wherein you state that, “overall, self-proclaimed Christians are known for poor psychological patterns, which…(etc.)”

So this is interesting to me. What is a “self proclaimed” Christian, and is there some other type of Christian? And why do you state that “self-proclaimed Christians” are “known for poor psychological patterns”?

Known by whom? Is this a universally accepted phenomena among “self-proclaimed” Christians, or is this simply your anecdotal observation?

Many people also feel blue after holidays because of fatigue, unmet and/or unrealistic expectations, and for the same reason many people feel blue on Mondays. It’s not always a deep seated issue, but a cloud passing the sun.

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Good question, Kimberly. “Self-proclaimed” Christians are individuals who do not support the theology of receiving the indwelling Life of Christ through a born-again experience. These individuals often support certain Bible truths but yet are clueless regarding being able to define or sustain the theology of releasing the Life of Christ from within - likely because they have not had a born-again experience. I hope this helps with your question.

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Great artucle.

In your what to do list you sadly fail to mention to pray and reach out to Heavenly father to ask for His wisdom guidance healing direction and then to practically apply all He asks in the doing and willing to be patient. And if the indwelling life of Christ Jesus has not as yet been received through supernatural spiritual rebirth that is given by heavenly father in & through Jesus Christ as His gift of grace & to those who seek Him with all their hearts will indeed find Him & to ask Him, coming to him in much humility, in repentance of genuine Godly sorrow cut and pierced at heart and ask Him to make you into a new creation in His beloved Son the Living Christ Jesus, and to walk in newness of His Spirit life.

I love what our fellow sister Amy Carmichael says:

"So wait before the Lord; Wait in the stillness. And in that stillness, assurance will come to you. You will know that you are heard; you will know that your Lord ponders the voice of your humble desires; you will hear quiet words spoken to you yourself, perhaps to your grateful surprise and refreshment."

When we wait before the Lord, His comfort will come and you will be led into the path of prayer "paved with love." You will come to realize that you do not have to say a whole lot to Him. When you find yourself saying, admitting "father, I cannot do this, it is too heavy for me, but it's not too heavy for you!" God will then meet your faith and answer. He delights in the one who looks up to Him and for His strength, His power, His ability given by and through His Holy Spirit to our spirit soul and body.

"And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24.

“Prayer is the quiet, persistent living of our life of desire and faith in the presence of our God.”

― Andrew Murray

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Sorry typo! Article!!

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I do not understand your comment, "Sorry typo! Article!!"

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From the initial comment. 😂 Is that not showing above at all?

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Got it. Thanks for clarifying.

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