#Salvation. A Powerful Salvation Tool.
Authentic Body members should never count on a stale testimony as an assurance of a loved one's salvation. Real indwelling faith is alive and sharper than a two-edged sword.
Many use "I am a Christian" as a ticket to salvation and eternal life. Authentic Body members should never count on a stale testimony as an assurance of a loved one's salvation. Real indwelling salvation is alive and sharper than a two-edged sword. It breathes, promotes, and propagates life unto life's last breath.
We believe all authentic salvations are prompted by the Holy Spirit. We do not support the ideology that a person can get saved without the Holy Spirit.
There are droves of people who think they are saved because they prayed a prayer of salvation. We call these "followers" of Christ who are not necessarily indwelt by Him. True salvation is a response of faith through the Holy Spirit, making it known to a person that Christ Jesus indeed chose them.
One's assurance of salvation does not need to be based on a past decision or an experience. It should first rest on one's faith in the objective Truth of God's Word, Jesus Christ, and the Gospel of His indwelling Life. Secondly, it should rest on the reality of a changed life marked by obedience, a love for Christ and His righteousness, and a hatred for sin. Take heart if these things are true in your life, and trust God to continue to work out His salvation in your life.
We are providing a PDF titled “Checking for Indwelling Salvation.” Consider downloading it.
Please help us get this video in front of the masses. The need is great. The calling is eternal. The results will be according to the Holy Spirit.
Salvation is the most important decision a person can make. Note: It is not in the praying of this prayer that saves you; rather, it is in the Holy Spirit calling an individual to pray a confession. If it is a prayer of real-deal repentance, the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
I would be honored if you let me know you prayed to receive Jesus. I will provide for you a free copy of my discipleship workbook, "Identity Matters." Plus, I would enjoy knowing if you passed the video along to others.