The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
Resurrection Day | Satan Made Powerless

Resurrection Day | Satan Made Powerless

This is a re-post of the message Dr. Phinney presented on "Easter" in 2019. This message focuses on the details of how Resurrection Day made Satan powerless. This message also addresses the issue of how Christianity is bending toward science vs. the Life of Jesus. "This is probably the strongest message I have delivered regarding authentic salvation. It is direct and strong. Our normal podcast typically emphasize the Abiding Grace Life in Christ. This message is for those struggling between 'fake Christianity' vs. the indwelling Life of Christ." - Dr. Phinney

The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
Welcome to: 'End Times Podcast,' an outreach of Identity Matters Productions & IOM America. A podcast helping members of the body of Christ to experience a well-balanced view of modern events and how they apply to Biblical prophecies.