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Yes, certainly lawlessness abounds in this country and the religious organizations masquerading as "Christian". A society which turns its' back on God and His Word, also turns their back to the law. The following are maxims of the Common Law under which our Republic was formed. "Universalism" is definitely not a part of law:

49i. The Christian religion is a part of the common law. Lofft. 327.

51o. All political power is inherent in the people by decree of God, thus

none can exist except it be derived from them. American Maxim.

51p. The main object of government is the protection and preservation

of personal rights, private property, and public liberties, and

upholding the law of God. American Maxim.

63v. It is punishment enough for a judge that he has God as his avenger

[i.e., he is responsible to God]. Bouv. 133.

70q. The law of God and the law of the land are all one; and both

preserve and favor the private rights to the land. Keilw. 191.

(all quoted from A Selection of Maxims of Law, compiled and edited by Charles A. Weisman )

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