Fascinating description on the topic combining prophesy and modern day tragedy. I feel the need to gain a greater understanding of this; as Communism has descended upon Canada, clarity is valuable. And comforting. Thank you.

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Thanks, Stevanovitch. Communism is an old-school term for modern-day Socialism. Canada might be a global leader in this misnomer, but 92% of our global nations are infected by this ideology. Soon, the EU will introduce a Chancellor that will unite the world under this banner. The socialistic matrix is unstoppable, according to the Bible. The solution is found in the book of Revelation 22:6-21.

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Chancellor... came across that word with biblical reference, perhaps yours. Anti-Christ comes to mind...

I have a burning question...As Christians we are to submit to civic authority and portray our love, our peace, our joy even and especially through life's challenges; in this way we gather others to the flock. Ok, but 2 points: are we not living through times of Exception to the days of moderately beneficent overlords?That, is, given that the bible does draw exceptions to collectivism and abject submission to tyrants. Therefore peaceful resistance is appropriate, regardless of worldly outcome. It seems to me that attracting others And being effective at proper living requires some degree of courageous caring for the innocent victims of evil, including ourselves. Including pushback, be it social or political.

I'm going there because there is a historic deal between us and tyrants: Hitler says He rules; we pray, never mix that up...and when good men do nothing, evil reigns. Yes i see that it will reign temporarily or for 1000 years as prophesied, but for now, i feel i have a task. And i sense that being raptured requires more than passive faith alone, even prayer.

If you don't mind, i appreciate even a brief reference to scripture, as i am new to this scholastic endeavour.


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The scripture is: "Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves." (Romans 13:1-2)

However, if any authority asks us to break the mandates of the Lord, we are not to submit to their requests and be willing to be imprisoned or harmed due to our loyalty to God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Even when we do resist, it must be done in a gentle, non-violent way. I hope this helps!

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Thank you. I would include my Hippocratic Oath among the established doctrines to which I must submit. As I have, always.

Sadly the world flipped over, removing such oaths for many among us: retirement early was my escape from that requirement, that is, to bear false witness to patients about the completely false narrative of the fake germ pandemic.

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That must have been so difficult. I hope you are already being blessed for doing the right thing, but if not, you certainly will be.

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May I add a word to this conversation? I´ve read the Bible and it is now written on my heart.

It is true, the Bible says we have to submit to the civic authority. But take a look at the WHO e.g., are they an authority? They´ve been established in violation of laws, as James has shown, US and UK entries to the WHO were pulled through unlawful and undemocratical, and not only theirs. Who of us, of the folk, needs or wants to be a WHO subject? WHO has never managed to fulfill the duties stated in their own constitution, but bargains about money and bio-weapons and is about to become our new tyrant, as a health organisation... And think of all other unlawful actions of this "authority". They are outlaws and liers, and therefore NO authority at all. And what about our governments? The same shame.

Our authorities are our national states and our national constitutions, and we must stick to them. Then our constitutions are good for us and not for these criminals. Will we stay true to these authorities, our law = our constitution will protect us. I suspect, the criminals had set obvious and provocative fools in our governments on purpose, to provoke the folk to abolish their authorities with their own hands. But only the fools filling up now our governments have to be abolished, not the authority itself!

I apologise if my comment is rather unwanted here. I´m new to all these social communication platforms and just write where I´ve something to say. Irina

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Irina well said. The key is believers do not submit to any civil authorities when mandated to break the guidelines of the Word of God. Key: Get to know the Word backwards and forwards.

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Agreed! It turns out that under the common law, based on our God, even constitutions are drawn up by the corrupted would-be masters...so the word Trespass applies to a ts against another man or woman's (not person) rights. Long story now being learned about by so many. Our courts block attempts for us to gain access and prove those robed fools have no jurisdiction over us, as they are only Legal employees of corporations, eg the USA gov, or Canadian gov even town councils.


We surely must resist the top-down corruption; even throwing money at these corrupt Satanists is imho an act of treason...

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Stevanovitch, I would enjoy your input on an article I wrote on this topic: https://www.iomamerica.net/_files/ugd/c2ee7b_f9f22a62c0b1492bbe9c61fdad68a26d.pdf

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