#History. Freemasonry Rules the Organized Church.
Years ago, I was invited by the History Channel to help them develop a series regarding the Freemasons and their influence on modern thought.
WARNING: This is an extensive long article.
Years ago, I was invited by the History Channel to help them develop a series regarding the Freemasons and their influence on modern thought. As history would have it, it became one of their most-watched series. And for good reasons.
I have spent many years researching their history from the perspective of protecting the Church from their demonic influences. My discoveries found their roots as far back as the King of Tyre, Melech, Satan, which the Bible notes as the throne of Satan.
“Son of man, raise a lamentation over the king of Tyre, and say to him, Thus says the Lord GOD: “You were the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle; and crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings. On the day that you were created they were prepared. (Ezekiel 28:12-13)
The masons’ King Solomon hired to build the temple of the Living God were the masons of Tyre. These masons were known for their excellence, work ethic, and loyalty to the King of Tyre. However, the infiltration began under King David (2 Samuel 5:11). While it might be hard to imagine that the temple was built by the hands of loyalist of Satan, history proves it is true.
The King of Tyre, Satan, formed an organization for these Masons with "Charges and Manners," that is, laws and customs at the building of the Temple of Jerusalem, and King Solomon was assisted in the work by the King of Tyre. Those of us who study history from a Biblical perspective understand the important points in the theory of the Temple origin of Masonry, and both are explicitly stated in these early Biblical references.
Special Note: In the book of Revelation, we see the final Antichrist’s objective to sit in the throne seat in the Holy of Holies in the third and final temple. The King of Tyre’s objective in “renting” his masons to build Solomon’s temple is prophetic and strategic in Satan’s reappearance as the final Antichrist at the world’s end. This reveals the clever manipulation of Tyre’s king at the time, but it doesn’t explain the stupidity of Solomon’s actions in hiring the masons. However, it explains why God destroyed this temple after Jesus died on the Cross. When God destroyed the Mason’s work of the temple, through the Romans, Jesus could transfer the temple to born-again indwelt believers after Pentecost.
While we keep in mind the obsessive drivenness of the Masons through the years to build a temple for the final earthly king, Revelation’s Antichrist, we can move forward with the development of the modern Freemasons of our day.
After the Romans destroyed Solomon’s temple, the Tyre Masons went underground. Their “band-of-brother” grew exponentially through the centuries. Their meetings were held in secrecy as they worked on dominating the world by recruiting commoners to join their ranks or degrees of influence. Occasionally, they would surface to build some of the more “glorious” architectural structures in the world, as in most of the edifices in Europe and America. Which, by the way, were to develop a one-world governance system that would set up for building the third and final temple noted in Biblical prophecies.
I will explain in detail why the Freemasons picked the new world, America, for their “cornerstone” in a later article; know this; the Freemasons believe that Washington DC is the headquarters for the Tyre Masons. In this, we can see their “markings” on everything from education, churches, banking, buildings, and even the layout of the streets in this city. More on that later.
The post-truth era, what the church calls the global "post-Christian" period, the movement of Universalism, now called wokism, originally was birthed through the leaders of the Age of Enlightenment—founded by the early European Masonic secret society. The organic organization, in 1717, can be traced to their underground movement after Jesus died – called the Brotherhood of Egypt. We can find their trademark symbol on everything from buildings, documents, and even the U.S. dollar bill, that symbol, of course, is the pyramid. This brotherhood claims they were the free-willed society of masons that built King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Their first formal gathering of the European Masons included a representative from each of the following groups: Euclid (father of geometry) or Pythagoras (father of philosophy), and Moses (Hebrew), which became the essences of the Masonic Infrastructure from the Enlightenment Age forward. All thirty-third degreed Masons believe they replaced the Pharisees after the destruction of Solomon’s temple. This explains why the final Pharisees of the Jewish people openly invite and contract a peace deal with the final Antichrist in the end. Ultimately, Masons are workers for the Antichrist in Jewish clothing.
The European Druids were monastic socialistic monks. The Druids self-identify as the first order of the dark side of Satanism. Under their influence, they surfaced such groups as the Gypsies (Egyptian cultists), the Rosicrucian (a secret society of mystics), and last but not least, one of the resistant Hebrew intellectual descendants of Noah, which they identify as the 10th Horn or Patriarch. Leaders from each of these depraved movements served on the original counsel of the early European Enlightenment Commission – today is known as the Trilateral Commission.
The Age of Enlightenment had and continues to have goals to "liquefy," or merge, numeric codes, philosophy, the Hebrew culture, lukewarm "believers," the Catholic Church, Satanists, followers of Egyptian thought, secret conceptual societies, and most importantly the global intellectuals of technology and artificial intelligence. This is why the original nine symbols of the Masonic order mirrored these categories. Even though the Masons/Enlightened Ones were proactive in America long before they took leadership in constructing the Constitution of the United States for the ”freedom of religions,” Universalism, their New World Order remained their highest priority.
By the early 1800s, their pluralistic and deist beliefs emerged in their first educational institutes (seminaries), built by Masons for the strict purpose of integrating their deist beliefs into a theology that matched their open-ended concepts of "freedom of religion" for "political gain" —Harvard (Congregationalist and Unitarian—the official churches of the early Masons), Yale (great intellectual movement of —the Age of Enlightenment), and others. The "degree" terminology used by Harvard and Yale derived from the European Mason's system of Masons graduating from different levels of "degrees" (1-33) - i.e., Master Mason, Master's degree.
Masons, to this day, are very active in church leadership, particularly those of Jacobus Arminius's heritage. History reveals that most “denominations” were established by Masons. Three movements that "jump-started" the "religious" views of Americans were: the followers of Jacobus Arminius—Arminianism, who were against the works of John Calvin, and the Calvinists. Arminianists are the founding fathers of the Enlightenment movement (European Masonic Order). Arminianism is a theological movement in Protestant Christianity that arose as a liberal reaction to the Calvinist doctrine of predestination – Christ selects His Bride. The movement began early in the 17th century and asserted that God’s sovereignty and human free will are compatible and humanity can manage the will of God. This opened the door to the progressivism of science, homosexual pastors, women in pastoral positions, spiritual formation vs. re-birth in Jesus Christ, egalitarian marriages, salvation through freedom of intellectual choice versus Christ choosing elective salvation, the acceptance of all forms of faiths, revisionary authority, experience-driven "Christianity," ecumenical peace, socialism and I will run out of space if I go on. Bottom line, Masons are at the root of Universalism, which establishes the Antichrist as the global religious master.
The Mason’s global movement of religious "freedom of choice" and political "freedom of religion" originally started our present shift toward socialism. The result of this emergent mindset is that every self-proclaimed "Christian" thinks they have the "right" to believe what they perceive AS truth, even though the Word of God is clear and immovable about what true indwelt Christians are required to believe. In this, we discover the reason that at every Masonic meeting, they place a differing “bible” from each of the global religions at the center of their table of worship.
The "postmodern" Church of today MUST turn lukewarm for the Antichrist to form a One World Religion—pluralism of all faiths (Rev. 17). Emergent leaders today tell us that Christianity must be "reconstructed" and that they must build this "new Jerusalem" before Christ returns – the historical reason the Freemasons picked Washington DC for the rebuild. The not-so-new news is—that is exactly what God will allow.
The Postmillennialism view of reconstructed Christianity is at the root of Masons. Their view states that Christ's 1,000-year reign was the first 1,000 years after Christ died. This is why postmillennialist believe that the second millennium after the 1,000-year reign is the age of reconstruction of Christianity, believing we are now in this reconstructive age. Yes, they believe that it is their responsibility to rebuild the New Jerusalem before their “Christ,” which is the Antichrist, returns to sit in the throne chair in the third temple. In this view, "Reconstructionist Christians" believe that "Christ-followers" must take over politics, religions, and culture. Most of these Masonic church leaders are so passionate about political gain they often propagate postmodern "Christians" need to support Supersessionism (Replacement Theology), which replaces Israel with modern-day Christians. Meanwhile, Israel becomes pointless, and the New Jerusalem becomes an edifice built by the human hands – the Masons.
As I previously stated, the deceptive and unbiblical belief popularized by the Masonic orders of America reinforces that Washington DC is the New World location for building the new Temple and that this city is the spot for the New Jerusalem. In this, it was and is the Masonic order that touted the United States as a "Christian Nation," when in reality, we are the greatest symbol of a Masonic order of Tyre. While it is true that we have always been a nation that touts Freedom of Religion, authentic Christians are the most persecuted group among all represented religions noted in the United States. The bottom line is if your “religion” doesn’t support the Masonic Universalistic god, your religion will be identified as a hate group. Soon, you should see more authentic Christians imprisoned, arrested, and murdered. Masons, in general, are a people of hate, while they act like the peace moderators of the nation or even the world.
The Masons have had a goal for centuries to place the entire world under one order of "political and religious perfection"—a truth that only the top 3 degrees of Masons will admit. The truth being said, there is nothing "free" about being a part of the Masonic order. A rare honest Mason will tell you they must "swear to secrecy - even unto death." However, if a Master Mason mentions the name of Jesus in an "open meeting," they are "warned only once." All Master Masons are to populate the idealism of multiple gods.
As a converted Master Mason said to me, the Masonic order uses and depends on its most masterful use of conspiracies. Most are not bothered by historians like myself because most readers default to these historical accounts as a pure conspiracy. From my experience through the years, they are spot on. This same converted Master Mason said that “conspiracies are our greatest friends and weapons.”
As an example, there is a reason why that "14% of Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) pastors and 18% of SBC deacon board chairs are Masons." It is also estimated that SBC members comprise 37% of total U.S. lodge membership. Keep in mind this survey is 20 years old – new finds reveal astronomical masonry membership growth. However, the documentation is concealed under oath. Also, this is one denomination of many that suffer from Masonic control. Most denominations are ruled by their covert forms of elective membership. There are over 3,000 denominations in the United States, and a little over 90% are showing signs of being drawn into the post-truth, or woke, philosophies of the Masonic order.
Your average citizen that loves history knows that the European Masons gave the Statue of Liberty as an "Eternal Seal of Enlightenment" between the "Old World Masonic Order" to the "New World Order." This is verified by the insignia on the plaque at the bottom of the statue. Furthermore, most historians know that 46% of our U.S. Presidents were granted 32nd-degree status with the Masonic Order. Please note that the Masons lay claim to intellectual ownership of almost every historical landmark in America, and good research proves their right! And that includes several American church denominations. Few know the first official church structure was built and managed by the Freemasons – the Jamestown Church.
I will close with two quotes from two of my favorite pastors:
D.L. Moody wrote…
"I do not see how any Christian, most of all a Christian minister, can go into these secret lodges with unbelievers. They say they can have more influence for good, but I say that they can have more influence for good by staying out of them and reproving their evil deeds. You can never reform anything by unequally yoking yourself to ungodly men.
True reformers separate themselves from the world. But, some say to me, if you talk that way, you will drive all the members of secret societies out of your meetings and out of your churches. But what if I did? Better men will take their places.
Give them the truth anyway, and if they would rather leave their churches than their lodges, the sooner they get out of their churches, the better. I would rather have ten members who are separated from the world than a thousand such members! Come out from the lodge. Better one with God than a thousand without Him! We must walk with God, and if only one or two go with us, it is all right. Do not let down the standard to suit men who love their secret lodges or have some darling sin they will not give up!"
Charles G. Finney on Freemasonry…
We are now prepared to consider the question of the relation of Freemasonry to the Church of Christ. On this question, I remark:
God holds the Church and every branch of it, responsible for its opinion and action in accordance with the best light, which, in his providence, is afforded them. . . If any particular branch of the Church has better means of information and therefore more light on moral questions than another branch, its responsibility is greater, in proportion to its greater means of information. Such a branch of the Church is bound to take a higher and more advanced position in Christian life and duty, to bear a fuller and lighter testimony against every form of iniquity, than that required by less favored and less informed branches of the Church. They are not to wait until other Church branches have received their light before they bear testimony and pursue a course according to their own degree of information.
While Masonry was a secret, the Church had no light, and no responsibility respecting it. Although individual members of the Church were Freemasons, as a body, she knew nothing of Masonry; therefore she could say nothing. . .
But the state of the case is now greatly changed. Freemasonry is now revealed. It is no longer a secret to any who wish to be informed..... Now, since these revelations are made, and both the Church and the world are aware of what Masonry is, God demands, and the world has a right to expect that the Church will take due action and bear a truthful testimony in respect to this institution. She cannot now innocently hold her peace. The light has come. Fidelity to God, and to the souls of men, require that the Church, which is the light of the world, should speak out, and should take such action as will plainly reveal her views of the compatibility or incompatibility of Freemasonry with the Christian religion. As God's witnesses, as the pillar and ground of the truth, the Church is bound to give the trumpet no uncertain sound, upon this question, that all men may know, whether, in her judgment, an intelligent embracing and determinate adhering to Freemasonry are compatible with a truthful profession of religion.
Every local branch of the Church of Christ is bound to examine this subject, and pronounce upon this institution, according to the best light they can get. God does not allow individuals, or churches, to withhold action and express their opinion until other churches are as enlightened as themselves. We are bound to act up to our own light and go as far in advance of others as we have better means of information than they. We have no right to say to God that we will act according to our own convictions, when others become so enlightened that our action will be popular and meet their approval.
And should the question be asked, 'What shall be done with the great number of professed Christians who are Freemasons?'
I answer; let them have no more to do with it. Again, let Christian men labor with them, plead with them, and endeavor to make them see it to be their duty to abandon it. . . Let them be distinctly asked whether they intend still to aid and abet the administration and taking of these oaths, if they still intend to countenance the false and hypocritical teachings of Masonry, if they mean to countenance the profanity of their ceremonies, and practice the partiality they have sworn to practice. If so, surely they should not be allowed their places in the Church.”
Note: The Church of Christ was one of the first and fastest-growing denominations in the new America. By the time of Moody and Finney, the denomination was out of control regarding Masonic influences. Leadership within the Church of Christ was recruiting other denominations by the droves. And…they were successful.
The public revival of Charles Finney drove the Masons out of their small-town temples, formed societal fraternities (community organizations), and worked covertly to take over the Church that officially belonged to Christ. It needs to be noted that while Charles Finney was alive, the Masons had little control over the denomination of the Church of Christ – today, the majority of this denomination is run by high-level Masons, who happen to be pastors.
I reward the efforts of Dr. Moody and Finney. They are true "heroes" of the indwelt Christian faith and certainly men whom I model my efforts after.
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Lots to unpack here.
I saw that History Channel series. Wow--I didn't realize you had helped with that. Kudos! Truly.
Here's something. I am the direct descendant of John Morton, a Declaration of Independence signer. My grandfather was a 33rd Degree Mason. My grandmother was Eastern Star and DAR. I was sent to Job's Daughters but could not stay awake during the meetings so my mother (a total non-conformist) allowed me to quit. We have family ties to both the Church of Christ and the Episcopalian Church that go way back. I was recruited to work for an agency of government that is one of the more secretive and dysfunctional --and that is saying something when you consider how high (or low) that dysfunction bar is set. I came to Christ at 14 and taking the job never felt good, once you get past the ego gratification, so I quit. I've paid some freight on that. I have stories.
I'm even freaked out writing this, but sunlight is a great disinfectant.
Have things gotten any better in your fantastic small town? Staying takes some brave. I applaud you.