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Dr. Stephen Phinney: Jesus faced horrendous treatment for speaking the TRUTH and proclaiming His divine mission. Would you do likewise?

Loving one’s enemies is a great idea and a mandate given to us by Jesus Christ Himself. It is an evangelistic tool for indwelt believers. It demonstrates the mission method of Yeshua’s divine invitation to His indwelling Life. By loving our enemies, we believers embody the teachings of Christ, open the door of reconciliation through salvation, and unite a fractured world. This act of love deepens the calling and maturity of the believer, aligning them more closely with the heart of God. In a world often marked by division and hostility, the love of indwelt believers for their enemies stands as a powerful testament to the believer’s commitment to - the “why” we are here.


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But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. (Matthew 5:44-45)


Surveys reveal that when most “Christians” encounter persecution from an enemy of the Gospel, they withdraw, delete, go silent, block, or return insult for insult.

Why? Because they believe they deserve better treatment than that of Yeshua!

Jesus faced horrendous treatment for speaking the TRUTH and proclaiming His divine mission. The religious leaders of His time, feeling threatened by His teachings and growing influence, falsely accused Him of blasphemy and incited the crowd against Him. He was subjected to brutal physical abuse, including being flogged, mocked, and crowned with thorns. Ultimately, Jesus was crucified by His fellow Jews, family members, “friends,” and Roman enemies - enduring one of the most excruciating forms of execution, all because He remained steadfast in His commitment to TRUTH - at the price of losing the “feel good” support of His loved ones. Yeshua knew the importance of telling the Truth over comfort in relationships was the ultimate goal for why He was brought unto humanity, solidifying that TRUTH is more important than relationships.

Paul, too, lived a likeminded life: Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Galatians 4:16)

The answer is “yes.”

Paul experienced more rejection from the members of the churches he established than that of the Roman Empire. It is a fact. Unfortunately, that is the case today! Typically, my friendships with my enemies are far more truth-centered than those within the “church.” Church members tend to be far more ruthless than the unsaved. As surveys note, the results are that people are fleeing the local churches because of this grave dynamic. It is no wonder why Paul asked that question of the Galatia church.

Speaking the truth, especially when it challenges the status quo or confronts deeply held “religious” beliefs, often comes at a significant personal cost for bold believers.

One of the most painful consequences can be the loss of friendships. When we choose to stand by the truth, we will face rejection, misunderstanding, and even hostility from those we care about - family, “friends,” and even spouses. This can lead to feelings of isolation and sorrow as cherished relationships are strained or severed. ALL BECAUSE OF TRUTH. However, the commitment to truth and spiritual courage is a testament to our life in Christ. It reflects a willingness to prioritize Jesus AS truth and authenticity over comfort and acceptance. While the immediate cost may be high, the long-term rewards include a clear conscience, eternal weight of glory, and the potential to inspire others to seek the source of where we get such courage.


I have been professionally discipling others for well over 40 years. When people hit the 5th or 6th session, 50% of them typically back out and run like scared dogs. The reason is simple. When we arrive at our material’s “Problems” section, which pinpoints the client’s self-justified selfishness, they dig in and refuse to address what the Scripture says regarding “turning the other cheek.” Their retreat causes a panic, leaving the discipleship more depraved than when they started. This is exactly what happened with Paul and the Galatia church. The stronger and more direct his letters became, the more his “converts” began to bail on the authentic Gospel. This is the “why” he said: Have I become your enemy for telling you the truth?

Traditional “Christians” say they love truth. They might tout this under good conditions and embrace this TRUTH.

The Bible profoundly mandates transforming a persecutor or enemy into a friend.

This process is deeply rooted in the teachings of Yeshua/Jesus and the principles of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. It all starts with our memory - knowing we were once where they are.

Here are some key steps based on Biblical mandates:

1. Pray for Your Enemies

Prayer is a powerful tool in changing hearts, including our own. Jesus taught, “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44). By praying for our enemies, we invite God’s presence into the situation, seeking the release of His power and intervention. My first prayer is usually, Lord, please convert this lost soul into being my friend. Please show me how I can be the best friend this lonely person needs.

2. Show Kindness and Compassion

Let’s face it: acts of kindness can break down barriers and soften hearts. Proverbs 25:21-22 says, “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.” Showing compassion, even when it is undeserved, can lead to reconciliation. The heaping of burning coals in Hebrew is - cause conviction. This is done through acts of compassion.

3. Forgive Unconditionally

Forgiveness is a corner post of authentic Christian faith. Evangelism doesn’t work without it. Yeshua/Jesus emphasized the importance of forgiveness in Matthew 6:14-15, stating, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Forgiving our enemies frees us from bitterness, opens the door to healing, and, most importantly, forms a friendship. Forgiveness is what produces friendships.

4. Seek Reconciliation

Reconciliation involves actively seeking to restore broken relationships, even with our enemies. In Romans 12:18, Paul advises, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” This means taking the initiative to make amends and build bridges, even when difficult. Always remember, an enemy cannot become your friend unless you build a bridge between the two of you. This is the reason most “Christians” use fake reconciliation, which has no relationship. They say I am sorry, or will you forgive me, but refuse to reestablish a dynamic relationship. No relationship attempt = fake reconciliation. However, the emphasis is on the attempt. Most enemy types don’t want to be your friend. As for me, I work to keep that door open.

5. Reflect Christ’s Love

Yeshua is the ultimate example of loving one’s enemies. While on the cross, He prayed for those who crucified Him, saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). He set an example for us. It was Yeshua’s enemies that murdered Him, yet He had compassion. We must walk out His example with our enemies by releasing His love and grace. In this, we can transform hostility into friendships.

6. Trust in God’s Sovereignty

Finally, trust that God is in control of your enemies and can work through any situation. Romans 8:28 reminds us, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Trusting in God’s sovereignty allows us to approach our enemies with a faith that can only be found in the indwelling Life of Yeshua. Use His faith, not yours.


Turning a persecutor or enemy into a friend is a challenging but rewarding act of obedience in Christ.

Read the above statement again!

This process not only brings peace and healing, particularly for you, but releases the love of Yeshua onto the enemy.

Today, some of my worst enemies are now my closest friends!

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