The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
ET Podcast. Spiritual Warfare.

ET Podcast. Spiritual Warfare.

Secrets to the power against the enemy.

This book unfolds the spiritual secrets to a free life. As a sword, the Word can penetrate the life of every being that hears it, including the enemy. It is meant to do corrective surgery within the soul, spirit, thoughts, attitudes, and body of all who hear it. This is the secret of its power against the enemy. As you use it, the Word can penetrate, cleanse, and change the lives of those that embrace it as Truth. Nothing is more powerful, and there is certainly no substitute for persistent, steady, consistent application of coming against the enemy.

The End Times Chronicles is the host of the ET Podcast. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
Welcome to: 'End Times Podcast,' an outreach of Identity Matters Productions & IOM America. A podcast helping members of the body of Christ to experience a well-balanced view of modern events and how they apply to Biblical prophecies.