Jane. Great write! I too spent years not understanding others and their facades. We can easily get caught up in the. Oh how are you doing. Greeaat! And accept the same when they are really not. Thinking we are being positive. It’s learning to recognize the folks in our life that we can help unmask and they can with us. There are folks that only we can reach. That’s our call.

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Interesting post, thank you! I have talked with several in my neighborhood about masks - one woman, a medical worker said she knows masks don't work, but she wears them because of fear.

In the physical realm, we stand naked before God:

And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. Hebrews 4:13.

But, God has provided us the spiritual new-self and our armor.

Ephesians 4:24 and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

The evil among us believe that God is "masked":

He has said in his heart, “God has forgotten; He hides His face; He will never see.” … Why do the wicked renounce God? He has said in his heart, “You will not require an account.” Psalms 10:11-13.

The world has worked to train us in "learned helplessness", to ignore God and our salvation through the accomplishments of Jesus Christ. Our Lord has delivered us from the fear of death, so we do not need to live in fear.

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