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#8 Revelation Love | The Tribulation

Revelation Love: The Bible, particularly in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, prophesies a period of severe hardship and divine judgment known as the Tribulation. Discover the details...

Amid trials and tribulations, God’s love remains a steadfast source of indwelling hope. It is a divine assurance that we are not alone even in our darkest hours. His love is a testament to His promise that He works all things for good for those who love Him - indwelt by Him. In these challenging times, God’s love shines the brightest, guiding us, strengthening us, and molding us into the image of Christ. For His love is not a mere feeling but an unchanging truth that stands firm against all adversities. So, let us take heart, for God’s love is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.

There is a massive difference between the present tribulations of a believer and that which is approaching for those left behind after the Rapture - which is called the Tribulation of the Antichrist. Even though humans stuck under his seven-year reign will suffer along with him, God intends to inflict Satan, his Antichrist, the False Prophet, demons, and sadly, all those that follow their depraved kingdom, with the horrid tribulations noted in all the books of prophecies. There are no words to describe the tribulation God releases upon each of the left behind.

As believers, we are driven by a profound passion to guide unsaved souls toward the path of salvation. This passion stems from our deep-rooted love for God and our fellow humans. We understand the urgency of the times, knowing that the Lord’s Rapture could happen at any moment. Therefore, we release the Life of Christ within us to share the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, with as many people as possible. We want every soul to experience the transformative power of God’s love and grace and be ready for the Lord’s return. There is no greater joy than witnessing a lost soul find its way back to the Father’s embrace. Even though few will listen and convert, this should be our mission, calling, and heart’s deepest desire.

Believe it or not, tribulations are for refinement.

They are an act of the Lord’s love for His Bride. However, the Great Tribulation switches to punishment. New Testament tribulations are for discipline for love's sake. Old Testament-style tribulations are punishment. The End Times tribulations are the Old Testament style of punishment WITH the addition of judgment. This, too, is an act of love for His Bride - by punishing the dark forces and all those who insulted His Bride and the pure bloodline Jews since the day of Jesus’s resurrection.

The Bible prophesies that Jesus Christ will return for His Bride, the Church, in an event known as the Rapture. This event is characterized by the sudden and miraculous taking up of all indwelt believers in Christ to meet Him in the air. It is widely believed among many Christians that this event will occur before the rise of the Antichrist and the onset of the Tribulation. The Rapture serves as a rescue for believers, a divine assurance that they will be spared from the wrath to come during Satan’s Tribulation. It underscores the promise of Jesus in John 14:3, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” Thus, the anticipation of the Rapture fuels the believer’s passion to lead as many souls to Christ as possible, knowing that the time is short. If “believers” do not have such a passion, their “type” of salvation must be questioned.

The Coming Tribulation of the Antichrist:

The Bible, particularly in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, prophesies a period of severe hardship and divine judgment known as the Tribulation. This period is characterized by catastrophic events such as widespread wars, devastating natural disasters, famines, and plagues. Central to this prophecy is the figure of the Antichrist, who will rise up to unite the world under one government during the Tribulation. This “leader” will be the most powerful “human” on the face of the planet. Some refer to him as the coming “World Chancellor.”

The Antichrist: Deceiver and Dictator

The Antichrist is described as a person who is against Yeshua, Jesus Christ. The prefix ‘anti’ can also mean “instead of,” and both meanings will apply to this coming world leader. He aims to replace the real Jesus Christ with himself AS the “Christ” to the world. “Christ” means messiah, head leader, or divine ruler of eternity. He will overtly oppose Jesus Christ in all of his decisions and, at the same time, pass himself off as the world’s Christ. The Antichrist will aggressively live up to his terrible name. He will persecute, torture, and kill the people who resist him as “Christ.” He leads the armies of the world into the Battle of Armageddon - the final battle between the authentic God of the Hebrew people and the Antichrist’s world forces. He will be the most powerful dictator the world has ever seen, making Caesar, Hitler, Mao, and Saddam seem tame by comparison.

The Antichrist’s Rise to Power

The Antichrist will rise to power through deception. He will pose as an angel of light, just like his father, the devil, but later act out of his true, evil nature. The Tribulation period begins peacefully for three and a half years, with the Antichrist deceiving people because he brings global peace temporarily. In fact, the Bible says through peace, he will deceive many - with the primary goal of deceiving the Jews. When he comes on the scene, people will flock to him like flies to honey, and they will do anything he asks, including the Jews.

The Antichrist’s Blasphemous Acts

The Antichrist will be renowned for his eloquence, which will capture the attention and admiration of the world through his charm and beauty. Not only will this golden–tongued orator speak in high–blown terms, but he will also speak arrogantly against the God of the Hebrews. The apostle John describes him similarly in Revelation: “And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies” (Revelation 13:5).

The End of the Tribulation

The Tribulation period culminates in the Battle of Armageddon, fought at the end of the Tribulation period, and then comes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ3. The Antichrist’s reign of terror will end, and Christ will establish His kingdom on earth.


The coming Tribulation of the Antichrist is a significant event prophesied in the Bible. It serves as a reminder of the spiritual battle between God and the devil and the ultimate victory of Jesus Christ. As believers, we are called to remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that our redemption comes only through Jesus Christ, who has already overcome the world.

Stay tuned for more love letters from God. Dr. Phinney’s full End Times Series HERE

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