
#6 Revelation Love | The Prophets

Revelation Love: The Lord’s prophets throughout history penned the love letters of God. These chosen messengers played a pivotal role in shaping the first and second coming of Yeshua (Jesus).

I have been tested multiple times throughout my ministry years regarding spiritual gifts. Each and every time, I max out at 100% when it comes to the gift of prophecy. However, know this, all authentic believers receive this manifestation to a certain measure.

I may have the gift of prophecy, I may fathom all mysteries, know all things, have all faith—enough to move mountains; but if I lack love, I am nothing. (1 Corinthians 13:2)

As a prophet, this has become my greatest lesson. Until the Lord revealed to me that the book of Revelation was a love letter, I was one of those “nothing” type believers who used harshness to front God’s people. Not good! Today, I am a different man. I finally learned of the marriage between prophecy and love.


The Lord’s prophets throughout history penned the love letters of God. These chosen messengers played a pivotal role in shaping the first and second coming of Yeshua (Jesus), guiding humanity toward the invite of indwelling Life, and revealing His Divine projections of future events while cementing His immovable Truths. Here’s a few pointers:

The Importance of God’s Prophets

1. Understanding the Role of Prophets

Before we explore the impact of God’s prophets, let’s grasp their essential role. A prophet is someone Divinely inspired—a conduit through which God manifests His foresight and communications with humanity. Their unique insights rise above ordinary wisdom, revealing God’s foresight, will, moral guidance, and future events. Prophets serve as effective spokespeople for God’s cause, urging us to align our lives with His purpose, warnings, and love.

2. Major Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel

The Bible distinguishes between major and minor prophets based on the length of their books & their impact on future events. The major prophets—Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel—left enduring legacies that continue to impact our future. In fact, the major prophets perfectly align with prophecies being fulfilled in the book of Revelation.

a. Isaiah: The Prince of Prophets

Isaiah, often called the “prince of the prophets,” authored a book that stands as one of the most read in the Bible. His writings blend poetic beauty with powerful messages of warnings, prophetic accuracy, and Divine foresight.

Relevance: Isaiah’s prophecies foretold the coming Messiah, emphasizing God’s love, justice, and redemption. His words resonate across generations, urging us to seek God’s will instead of our own desires. Isaiah was known as the kind prophet, which reinforces Paul’s statement noted above.

b. Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet

Jeremiah, one of my favorites, known as the “weeping prophet,” faced immense personal struggles. He was known as being subjective in nature - crying at every turn. While he was emotive in nature, God designed & selected him before he was conceived, like all prophets. Jeremiah is known for being the leading major prophet who demonstrated the love of God in real-time. His book includes prophecies, private struggles, and personal reflections.

Message: Jeremiah warned of impending judgment due to Israel’s disobedience. Thus, his daily motive was to demonstrate obedience in spite of his emotional turmoil. His life exemplified resilience, as he remained faithful despite persecution from his family, fellow Jews, and haters of Israel.

c. Ezekiel: Visionary and Acute Prophet

Ezekiel received vivid visions and acted out prophetic messages to convey God’s warnings & truth. He was a man of many dreams and visions. His revelations are the leading Old Testament prophecies that predicts the final events of Israel in the book of Revelation. He is also known for the Biblical parallel of Old Babylon and the coming resurrected Babylon stated in Revelation - the spiritual & political structure of the Antichrist. His name literally means strengthened by God. Most, if not all, of his prophecies were during his captivity to Nebuchadnezzar - comparing the first Babylon to the Jews being recaptured by the forthcoming Antichrist. He was the leading inspirational figure in Nehemiah rebuilding the walls surrounding the original Jerusalem.

Themes: Restoration, repentance, and God’s sovereignty. Ezekiel’s unwavering commitment inspires us to seek God even in adversity. His work should compel all authentic believers to study the book of Revelation.

d. Daniel: Faith in Exile

Daniel, a captive in Babylon, demonstrated unwavering faith, loyalty, and obedience to God while serving as a servant advisor to King Nebuchadnezzar. He is known as the leading prophet who demonstrated the “how” to serve an ungodly authority while waiting on God to change the king’s life. He is/was the prophet known for revealing Godly honor under all conditions.

Daniel’s visions connect directly to the demonic evil empires noted in the book of Revelation. His vision of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue profoundly affected all the empires that rose against Israel - from Old Babylon to the upcoming Antichrist. His book combines prophecy, history, and personal narratives.

Legacy: Daniel’s courage, integrity, and reliance on God remain relevant. His visions reveal God’s ultimate plan for the Jews, Israel, and all of humanity.

3. The Significance of Prophets Today

Yes, God continues to appoint prophets today. However, New Testament prophets can no longer foretell the future as was in the case of Old Testament prophets. New Testament prophets host a gift of prophecy that contains special God ordained insight into existing prophecies. By the time of Yeshua’s arrival, all prophecies had been noted. The book of Revelation does NOT contain new prophecies - the book discloses the future application and fulfillment of preestablished prophecies. In this we can see the importance of understanding how the Old Testament was for the purpose of laying the foundation for the upcoming fulfilment of each.

Spiritual Growth: Prophets continue to shape the direction of the Body of Christ, the Church, through their gift of prophecy. They are often known for being visionaries, packed with wisdom that comes directly from God through the indwelling Spirit of God - the Holy Spirit. Their messages reveal God’s heart, His warnings, and frequently enabling effective leadership and fruitful ministries.

Divine Communication: Prophets act as intermediaries, conveying God’s laws, commandments, Grace, Love, and preexisting prophecies. Their words carry extraordinary Divine authority, which often results in rejection and at times, persecution. They are complex in nature due to their wisdom is beyond the logic and reasoning of the masses.

Witness of Jesus: Prophets bear witness to Jesus Christ, His indwelling Life, pointing us toward authentic salvation, the warnings of God, and eternal hope. Since NT prophets see behind the covert lies people propagate, frequently they suffer loneliness due to family, friends, and enemies fear being revealed while around them. Thus they are isolated after their communications.

4. Listening to Living Prophets

Modern Prophets: In our time, living prophets guide us. However, in an anti-authority culture in the Body of Christ and in society in general, today, few are guided by their strong words and challenges. Since their teachings reflect the immovable doctrines and prophecies of God and His will, their instructions, warnings, and counsel are neglected and disregarded frequently. It matters not to most of them. Their loyalty to their obedience in Christ to do what they are told to do BY God, outweighs all rejection.

Blessings: When we heed their counsel, we find safety, peace, and spiritual strength - without question. Those who take the time to befriend prophets find one of the greatest resources to modern Christianity. The few friends they DO have are Divinely loyal to the end - much like the way they are to Christ.


In conclusion, God’s prophets—whether ancient or contemporary—illuminate our path, urging us to seek truth, the indwelling Life of Christ, embrace righteousness, and draw closer to the Divine prophecies. Their legacy reminds us that we are part of a grand prophetic narrative—a story of redemption, love, and eternal purpose. May we listen attentively and learn from their wisdom.

Stay tuned for more love letters from God. Take the Spiritual Gifts Test HERE

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