The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
#3 GEN-Z'ERS | #Part 3-A | Defining Gen-Z

#3 GEN-Z'ERS | #Part 3-A | Defining Gen-Z

Our culture is changing faster than any other culture in church history and the youth are disillusioned and confused. Confused literally means, “the lack of understanding – resulting in fusion to uncertainty.” The bottom-line is, Gen-Z is being forced into fusion (the process, or result, of joining two or more things together to form a single entity and/or belief) - “pluralist.” PLEASE forward this message to your contact list! Thank you.

The End Times Chronicles
The End Times Podcast
Welcome to: 'End Times Podcast,' an outreach of Identity Matters Productions & IOM America. A podcast helping members of the body of Christ to experience a well-balanced view of modern events and how they apply to Biblical prophecies.