SEVEN: #2 In the Beginning
Today, we begin our journey in discovering the meanings behind the first Seven letters of the Pictorial Hebrew Alfa-Bet. Discover the amazing details.
Today, we begin our journey in discovering the meanings behind the first Seven letters of the Pictorial Hebrew Alfa-Bet.
God and Jesus had prioritized cementing the Truth that both are the Alpha and Omega, Hebrew, Alef, and Tav.
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:13)
Our definition is in this verse: Jesus is the first Alef and the last Tav, which means the beginning and the end. The pictorial describes Alef as the head of an Ox. The Ox has always been the Hebrew people’s expression of the first leader. From this letter, we discover the words chief, governor, and commander. God assigned the number one in congruence with this pictorial. As in the case of the first of the ten commandments, Alef is used to dictate that humanity shall not have any other gods before the Ox - God.
Likely, God picked the Ox for its strength, ability to lead, and probability of being the first beast He created. Five primary words evolved from Alef. The first is Father. When the letter Bet is put in front of Alef, it communicates that a father is the leader or the strength of the family. In God’s case, He was and is the leader, Father, of His Jews and all He created.
The second word that comes from Alef is God. Once we put Lamed in front of the Ox, we have the name of God, communicating God is the first or the strong authority. In this, we discover God placing Himself as the Alef with the ultimate authority over all. Any demonic being or human that refutes His authority is cut off from the Alef. This action deduces spiritual beings and humans to the number six, Vav.
The third word that derives from Alef is fire. When Sheen, consume, is placed in front of Alef, the word esh or fire is born, which means the fire is the strong devourer. Esh Alef dictates the actions of the Alef for those who refute God as the Alef and resist His authority. The phrase refining fire throughout the Bible is this descriptive. The label Hellfire damnation further notes the all-consuming actions of the consequences of those refusing Father Alef. When the book of Revelation references Hell, it is the Greek expression of consuming fire. When John talks about people being tossed into the lake of fire, he connects readers to the consequences of those who resisted the Alpha, Alef, and Omega, Vav. Thus, fire has two faces, one for refining and the other for consuming damnation.
The fourth word that derives from Alef is love. After placing Bet, tent, and Hey, which means to reveal, in front of Alef, we have love is the father’s heart revealed. All that God, Alef, does is done through the actions of God revealing His heart. Since love has little to do with emotions, the Hebrew expression of love is nothing more than God revealing His heart. The totality of His love includes all five of the Hebrew expressions of Alef – Father, God, Fire, Love, and Blessed.
This brings us to the fifth, Blessed. By placing Dalet, which means the pathway to enter, and Sheen, to consume or destroy, in front of Alef, we have the Hebrew word a-shar, blessed. While the masses do not associate God with using fire or destruction as a measure of blessing, God does, for example. If we bless those who curse us, we are heaping burning coals on their heads. In this example, the extracted mission is to bring refinement or destruction on those who curse us by placing the fire of God onto the other; God will keep the refining fire off the one offering Alef to those in need of discovering the pathway to Alef. Indwelt believers should practice a-shar often. It assists God in opening the pathway to Jesus Christ by fire. What method did God use to inscribe the Ten Commandments? With the finger of fire. What did Mosses do to the masses that formed a golden Ox in the valley? He brought down the fire of God upon them. In this, we discover the two Hebrew purposes of fire. When we gaze into the book of Revelation and see that God destroys the earth by fire, we have the two purposes of Moses’s fire experiences repeated.
The second letter of the Hebrew Alef-Bet is called Bet. This word means house or tent. The Hebrew people also use it to express a family or tribe. When the Hebrew letter Chet is placed in front of Bet, it means inner room. From this, we get the inner room of the Holy of Holies where God ruled His people. In an earthly household, the inner room was the sleeping chamber of the head of the house. When Ham walked into the inner room, tent, of Noah, he violated the principle of breaking the bearer that separated the father from his tribe. In those days, up through Jesus’s time, men slept in their own tents or rooms. When they chose to have intimacy with wives, the wife was invited into his inner room. These guidelines were strictly kept until the Greeks introduced single bedrooms for the husband and wife. The veil’s purpose in God’s Holy Temple was to keep this practice intact. However, when God tore the veil, it became the word picture of Jesus inviting His Bride into His inner room – forever. From this Truth, the generations following the torn veil, husbands and wives shared the inner room of the head of the home. However, until the 1950s, husbands and their wives had separate beds in fear of breaking this Hebrew tradition.
By the time the word Bet passed through the evolution of the six stages of the Hebrew scripts – Bet today means Yeshua, the organic name of Jesus. It was the Greeks who deduced Bet to the modern letter “B,” which ultimately erased Jesus from man’s worldview.
As per the Hebrew norm, five words derive from Bet. The reason the Hebrew people formulated five words from each pictorial letter is due to the fifth letter, Hey, to reveal. The objective was to reveal the full meaning of each letter.
Our first word is the word Bet. While the organic meaning is house or tent, when used as a prefix, it means in, into, or inside. This is a critical note of insight. When Jesus introduced the Truth of inviting indwelt believers into His inner room of Life, it clearly set in motion; the most significant doctrine of the New Testament, authentic salvation, comes through being placed inside Christ. It also reveals Satan’s leading deception – causing people to think they are “Christians” by following versus being indwelt by Christ’s spirit, the Holy Spirit. When used in a household or tribe, it reveals a picture of a family standing inside the tent of the head of the home or tribe. This reveals another major doctrine of the importance of family, which activates Satan’s secondary goal of destroying family life in the world.
Our second word is son. When Dalet, which means entering the pathway, is placed before Bet, it becomes the word Bar or son. When viewed as God as the leader of His tent, it reveals Jesus as the Father’s Son who walks the path of His Father. When used as an earthly description, it communicates that a son is the house man or the man from within the house. Hebrew for house man does not communicate elder, but one who comes from the elder’s loins. Finally, it reveals the one who is a son, son of a womb, and son of the father’s vows or beliefs. If the elder in the home dies, the son is to carry the vows of the dead father to the generations to come. The son is responsible for exacting the customs, traditions, and beliefs of the forefather of the tribe or tent. Failure to do this brought condemnation to the son and his offspring – as in the case of Noah’s son Ham.
The third word that derives from Bet is morning. The Hebrew word for morning is bo-ker. When the letters Dalet and Koof, which means behind, are placed in front of Bet, it means that the house is behind the person. Meaning the head of the home is off to work or to carry out the labors that benefit Bet, his household. Laziness was considered an offense to Bet. It confessed that the elder was worthless and cared not about his tribe or family. Most lazy heads of the home were ostracized and removed from the community at large. Responsible elders of their tribe took great honor in their craft. It means as much to them AS their family. In fact, in Hebrew traditions, it was the same. To this day, Jews are known for their work ethic and the quality of their product, let alone their ability to make money. Jesus, as a carpenter, carried forth his father’s work ethic in like manner. A responsible Jewish elder understood the mandate of whatever you do, do wholeheartedly unto the Lord.
The fourth word is heart. When the letter Lamed, which means authority, is placed after Bet, it describes a father with a heart to control his family, tribe, with a strong authority from inside. According to Hebrew customs and beliefs, there is one rule children and wives should never break, honoring the father’s authority over a home or tribe. There was a day when every Jew understood this guidepost. While it has faded in modern Jewish culture, the orthodox Jews keep this mandate in play. They believe that by honoring an earthly father, they are honoring God the Father. They further believe that if this guideline is broken, in order to preserve the family, the youth is removed from the family and forced into being a prodigal until brokenness occurs. Once the youth is willing to reconcile with the father of the tent, house, they are to be accepted as a worker worthy of their labor. Jesus Himself used this Jewish custom and guideline in one of His parables. In fact, He used the custom to communicate His ability to reconcile lost souls back to the Heavenly Father. The key is when we think of the word heart, in God’s vocabulary, it means a heart OF authority.
The final word is bless. When the letters Reysh, which means highest, and Dalet is placed in front of Bet, it communicates kneeling and blessing as a son to a father or a father to a son. It also means that blessed is the son is covered by the open hand. In Hebrew, a clutched hand reveals anger, while an open hand reveals acceptance and devotion. As God is blessed by His Son Jesus, when an earthly father has an open hand to his children, he is communicating that there is no violation to discipline. It further notes that a son is not ashamed to be on his knees before his father in adoration. As Jesus worships His Father, the Jewish son, or children, express honor by sitting at the feet of their father for wisdom, praise, and adoration. It is important to note that the word bless expresses mutual admiration – coming from the father and the child. The orthodox Jews believe this Hebrew word confirms the child’s willingness to be instructed by their father. As in the case of Jesus being nailed to the cross, it was a willingness to open His hands for all those who choose to come under His teachings for generations to come.
Between the Christians and the Jews...there is so much to be learned. Especially with each other. Thanks brother!!
I learned so much from this Stephen, God is so perfect and loving! Thank you.