It is a tale marked by pain, struggle, and ultimately, redemption. For most of my adult life, I was entrenched in the prostitution industry, a dark and destructive path that seemed impossible to escape. My youth was marred by an addiction to women, most notably through pornography. Despite being raised in the church and believing that salvation lay in regular attendance, I was utterly lost. I thought that showing up on Sundays was enough to secure my place in heaven. Boy, was I wrong.
As the years went by, I became more deeply enmeshed in my lifestyle. The consequences of my choices began to pile up, leaving me trapped and hopeless. It was in this state of despair that I finally sought help from IOM America and Dr. Phinney. Their resources and support offered a glimmer of hope, but I was resistant. The counseling process was grueling, and I fought against it for two long years. Eventually, I quit, unable to confront the depth of my brokenness and the changes required to heal. Please listen to my story”!
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