A Sacred Covenant
The nation of Israel holds a HOLY place in Biblical history, interlinked with Divine promises, prophecies, and a covenant established by God. Its defense is not merely a moral matter; it carries profound spiritual significance. In this essay, we explore the defense of Biblical Israel from both Biblical and theological perspectives.
A Biblical covenant is a sacred agreement or contract between God and His people, often established through specific promises, conditions, and symbols. It always involves a blood sacrifice. In the Old Testament, the blood of a lamb. In the New Covenant (Testament), the blood of Jesus Christ. These covenants play an eternal role in God’s journey with the Jewish people, revealing His character, laws, His relationship with the Israelites, and His redemptive plan for both Jews and Gentiles.
God’s Promised Curse
In Genesis 12:3, God makes a covenant with Abraham: “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” This promise extends to Israel, Abraham’s descendants.
Nations and its people have disregarded this promise for generations. They not only take the promised curse lightly, but they have also suffered the consequences of their disregard and ignorance. A classic case is Germany. When Hitler stepped forward to dishonor God by persecuting the Jews, the actions of God retaliating were swift and victorious. Shortly after Nero persecuted the first-generation indwelt Christians, Rome fell. I can name many nations that have fallen under such violations. God means what God says.
In our culture today, there is more measurable hatred toward Israel than in any time in world history. On and offline, opinionates propagate their disgust toward Israel and its people without the consideration of the promised curse that is nipping at their heels. Shortly after the Obama Administration pulled America’s support from Israel, the entire nation imploded into a pile of culturally depraved ideologies.
So, what is to happen to all the opinionates who hate Israel?
I can assure you that their private lives will implode with depravity and destruction - suffering hardships like they have never seen before. Do you doubt this? Carefully read the book of Revelation. Warning: If you disregard the prophecies in this book, another promise is activated, God will withhold His blessing from those who refute the words written in this book (Rev. 1:3).
Since covenant demands fulfilment, promised kept, when you keep these two promises united, all those who hate Israel, its people, and the fact the masses disregard the prophecies - it will explain the level of destruction noted throughout the Old Testament and the book of Revelation.
“I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
The irony is that anyone, saved in Christ or not, who blesses (supports) Israel, God will bless the land, businesses, and private lives of those who maintain their loyalty to God’s chosen people and their nation. Sadly, it works the other way. Any nation or its people who dishonor God by rejecting the promised land to Israel, God will curse them.
The Hebrew word for curse is qâlal, meaning to cause defeat, destruction, and lack of prosperity. The Hebrew word for bless is bârak, which means the implication of advancing prosperity and favor.
Because God placed His blessing on Israel, we can begin to understand the “why” the land of Canaan (later Israel) becomes the focal point of God’s covenant with Abraham and all those who came from his seed line (Genesis 15:18). Israel’s defense is intricately tied to this Divine promise - a promise kept no matter the depraved opinionates of nations or humanity.
Don’t Tamper With The Apple of God’s Eye
Zechariah 2:8 declares,
“For thus said the Lord of hosts, after his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye.”
This is not some kind of placid allegorical expression. Israel is precious to God, and any aggression against it or her people invokes Divine protection. According to the Word of God and Israel’s history, God steps up to protect her every time - AFTER - He uses the aggression to discipline them and gain their attention. Will the nation of Israel learn from these disciplines? Sadly, they will not, that is outside of the 144,000 pure bloodline Jews.
Israel’s Role in God’s Eternal Plan
Israel serves as a conduit for God’s redemptive plan. Through Israel, the Messiah (Jesus) came into the world. This is classified as His First Coming. The Jews not only missed this opportunity of redemption, but they also crucified Him. They are still waiting for their promised Messiah. Unfortunately, they become deceived by the upcoming Antichrist and embrace the False Prophet as their long-awaited Messiah. Bummer, not good. The irony - God’s defense of Israel remains a promise kept, ensuring the fulfillment of His ultimate purpose.
Prophetic Promises
Zechariah 12:1-14 prophesies that Jerusalem will become a stumbling block for the nations. Israel, not much larger than New Jersy, in the end, becomes the focal point of all global affairs. The Word tells us that all nations shall come against her. Again, despite the odds, and opposition, God will protect His people.
Isaiah 41:11-12 assures Israel that those who contend with them will be put to shame.
Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored; Those who contend with you will be as nothing and will perish. You will seek those who quarrel with you but will not find them; those who war with you will be as nothing and non-existent. (Isaiah 41:11-12)
I am well aware that the lion’s share of readers will do a blowby of these warnings. Most will retreat back into depraved, arrogant opinions. I don’t mean to sound careless, but humanity’s view of what God said regarding blessings and curses matters not to Him, nor me. Whatever God says, is a promise kept.
In fact, Israel’s existence fulfills Old Testament prophecy. As Revelation states, it is not only a sign of the end times—but Israel is also The End Times. When Yeshua, Jesus, returns in His Second Coming, He will rule for 1,000-years in, on, and from the center of this promised land—Jerusalem.
When believers stop studying the brushstrokes, back up, and look at the large picture, I can assure you they will see the Divine reasoning behind defending Mother Israel. If they don’t, they will be deceived by the Antichrist when he unveils his global image of himself.
God’s Sovereignty and Israel’s Restoration
God’s sovereignty over history ensures Israel’s preservation - for one purpose, the reign of Jesus Christ. Despite exiles, hate, opinions, and dispersion, Israel WILL be purified and readied for the Second Coming of the King of kings.
The restoration of Israel is a testimony to God’s faithfulness to fulfill all of His promises, prophecies, and relentless love for His chosen people.
The defense of Biblical Israel is more than a military strategy; it’s a sacred duty commissioned to us by God. As believers, we should recognize Israel’s significance in God’s plan and stand alongside it with her people in prayer and support. Let us honor the covenant God made with Abraham and affirm our commitment to the apple of His eye.
The next time you encounter a Jew hater, stand up and be ready to defend Israel as I did in this essay. Those of you who read my “Notes” feed and responses - know this is one topic I do not hesitate to defend Mother Israel. Please remember to do this in love and respect - for you should want to keep them engaged to hear such Truths as I have stated today.
My wife and I feed and clothe hundreds of Jewish families annually. I have partnered in ministry with some of the most respected Messianic Jewish leaders in Israel. If you are interested in linking up with an organization we use to help suffering Jews or getting connected to a sound Jewish teacher, leave a comment with such a request, and I will get you connected.
Join the mission of protecting Israel. Restack this post, forward the link to family, friends, and enemies of Israel. PLEASE help us get the word out!
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