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#7 NEHEMIAH: The Frontline

Dr. Stephen Phinney | Going to the frontline of battle is essential for victory. Hiding behind a bush or staying away from the battle will not accomplish the mission of winning the battle.


Please read Nehemiah 4:10-14 in support of this essay.

Understanding that the battle is real and critical. I’m always amazed how many people do not believe there is a spiritual realm that has drawn swords against both the Jews and the Christians; in fact, it’s a bit shocking. Just because we can’t see principalities of the air, demons, does not mean we’re not going to have to engage them.

Fearing the enemy is a confession that the enemy is more powerful than Christ.  There are only two kinds of fear: the fear of the Lord thy God, which is the beginning of knowledge and holiness, and punitive fear, a fear that traps the person, so they reject the love of God.  John told us, “In fear there is punishment” (1 John 4:18).

One of the most critical elements Nehemiah watched for was his workers losing the strength for the burden of rebuilding while observing that there was remaining devastation at hand. Since Nehemiah was in tune with the Jews who were unable to rebuild through their failing strength, he knew intuitively that their strength was to be found in the joy of the Lord. Furthermore, the average Jews were listening to the inner beliefs of Babylon. I call this the battle of the voices—the battle beyond the enemy fronting their walls. Remember, these Jews had been in bondage to Babylon for over a generation. Therefore, the Babylonian beliefs and practices were embedded into how many of them functioned daily.

The entire time Nehemiah’s workers were rebuilding, the enemy was not far off mocking their efforts and the efforts of God. Knowing this, Nehemiah stationed warriors at the parts of the wall that were in the process of being rebuilt. After these warriors were in their place, Nehemiah quickly noticed the fear on their faces. What did he tell them? “Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.”

The wisdom of God in Nehemiah implored the weak Jews to focus on the might of the Lord, which would work through them. Then he reminded them that the battle was for the Lord God and their brothers, sons, daughters, wives, and houses. That sealed the deal. Energy filled them, and they began to guard the openings with the power of God and the strength that came from protecting what was theirs.


Whenever we go to the frontlines where the enemy lives and breathes, he is bound to try to chase us away. Do not submit to his deceptive ideas and lies: there is no time, this level of combat isn’t necessary, these are only words, we can put this off because we already have too many things to do, we’re tired or too sick, we are already struggling with worries, doubts, and fears that will prevent us from completing our pathway to deliverance. We should push through it all and respond like warriors. That, of course, is done by rejecting the mockery and lies that Nehemiah and the Jews realized.

Some people experience terrifying feelings of guilt or terrifying spells of panic and depression, which I call oppression in many cases. If any of these symptoms paralyze you from remaining on the frontlines, you will need a spiritual mentor—men with men, women with women who understand the balance of warfare. They must pray over you and often stand with you at the wall. Remember, fear is the fire from the dragon’s mouth; it is his primary tool of intimidation. It may scorch a few hairs but don’t worry; it’s only hot air. And, as I said, never address Satan personally; do not talk to him. Also, avoid becoming preoccupied with Satan and his domain.

Have you ever wondered why people are intrigued with movies, video games, and music based on darkness? One of the games that the enemy plays is in creating an unhealthy fascination with his work. Many people are caught up in giving more attention and credit to the enemy than they are to God. I call that a demon behind every bush mentality. It is common for those struggling with Satanic affliction to be preoccupied with the enemy due to their level of temptation, obsession, and negative thoughts; however, one must take special caution to keep their eyes upon Jesus. “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” (Col. 3:2). Well-trained Christians in the Word and Spirit will not fear Satan or his schemes; they only glance at his works long enough to readjust their plans of defense.


The Christian is engaged in a spiritual battle even if they ignore that it is real. Satan and his spiritual forces are on the battle line, waiting for us daily. A believer does not choose his engagement in this battle; it awaits them each day, and there is no way to get around it. If you are saved and have received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are in, whether you like it or not! Be alert and sober, for your enemy, Satan, roams around on the earth seeking whom he may devour, including you.

Are you battle-ready? If not, don’t panic; this series will equip and ready you to take on the challenges Satan and his demonic influences have to offer. Be a Nehemiah-type. If you are clueless, go to the ONE who isn’t—the Lord your God.

Believers are being awakened to the reality that the fight in rebuilding their walls is not against flesh and blood but the powers of darkness and the principalities of the air (Ephesians chapter 6). Many Christians today are deceived into thinking that what they see is what they battle when it is the opposite of that; it is in what you don’t see that you battle.

As the Lord draws near, we can be assured that our battle with the world, the flesh, and the devil will intensify. It might be wise for you to ask where all that devil stuff comes from; it is exactly what the Ephesians passage reveals—"in powers of darkness.”

The worldly idea that pop psychology will increase your ability to face the enemy is a madness method that most refuse to realize. Stop turning toward drugs, medication, self-ideas, and worldly fables called “philosophies of men.” God calls each of His children to call upon Him, and He will deliver according to His divine Truth and will.

If God’s sovereignty drops His hedge of protection temporarily by His divine will, accept His reasons; it is typically for training in spiritual warfare. Qualified leaders in Christ understand the importance of allowing the enemy to win a few blows to build the young warrior as he applies what he has been taught. Knowledge and training are mute if they are not tested.


Fear of fronting the enemy has held most believers back from boldly going before God’s throne regarding the enemy’s temptations and afflictions. Remember, Satan could care less about you; he is after God. God’s greatest servants have always shared an appreciation for the magnificent power of the Holy Spirit through prayer and the complete victory over Satan’s kingdom available to all believers through the mighty Person and work of Jesus Christ who lives within them.

The book of Ephesians (New Testament) is the handbook on Spiritual warfare and prayer. Get to know this handbook.

The believer’s emphasis in prayer must be upon a biblical and sound doctrinal approach to the subject. The Word of God recognizes that we encounter the three faces of Satan: the world, the flesh, and the devil. When a person becomes born-again, their relationship to everything in the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional world completely changes. Since a believer is a citizen of heaven, he is given the power to face the enemy toe-to-toe, if necessary. Scary? Well, look at it this way: either we face him head-on, or he will consistently and constantly be nipping at our heels, eating away at our lives little by little.

To resist the limited power of the enemy, one must submit to God’s unlimited power from within and then “resist the devil, and he will flee;” it is a promise given to us by God (James 4:7).

Because of our newfound relationship with God, all believers become marked targets for attacks from God’s enemy, understanding that while we tire, he is relentless in his attacks.


Believers must embrace the Truth that the Father has given them a defense system—the power of the Holy Spirit, our Sword of defense. Furthermore, we must not depend upon feelings and experiences as evidence of our being strong enough to pray. The power and ability to pray boldly are based on objective facts, not subjective feelings. The power of prayer is to be appropriated by faith and faith alone.

Watch the video at the top of the post for the full message.

Stephen Phinney

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The End Times Chronicles
Nehemiah Series
A study on the Book of Nehemiah that reveals quality leadership & following.