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2025 End Times Predictions

The predictions I am making today are based on present Biblical prophecies. I will approach such interpretations with discernment.


These are generally based on human understanding, analysis, or interpretation of data and trends that relate to Biblical prophecies. They can be about any topic and are subject to change as new information becomes available. Predictions can be accurate or inaccurate, depending on the level of maturity and scholarly abilities of the modern-day prophet presenting the predictions. Since they are human, predictions are not necessarily of Divine authority or guarantee the fulfillment of such predictions.

We decided to release these reports only to our paid subscribers. The reason is we believe such content is too important for generalized readers. In our minds, it should be read by invested readers and viewers. Note: We will continue to provide 99% of our post to free subscribers.

Don’t miss the Seventy-Seven Predictions series from now to the end of 2025.

Biblical Prophecies

These are specific messages or revelations from God, as recorded in the Bible. Authentic Christians believe them to be divinely inspired and infallible. Biblical prophecies often foretell future events, reveal deeper spiritual truths, provide guidance for daily living, or warn of Bible-based forthcoming events. They are considered certain and unchanging because they are believed to come from God directly through His written Word, who is omniscient and sovereign over the future.

Modern-Day Prophets

Modern-day authentic Christian Biblical prophets are individuals who believe they have been called by God to deliver divine messages in today’s world. These prophets cannot foretell new prophecies that have not already been stated in the Old or New Testaments. Since this is true, they seek to bring the wisdom of the Bible into contemporary contexts, interpreting its teachings in a way that speaks to current events, political activities, and societal issues.

These prophets emphasize the importance of the faith that Jesus possesses within all authentically born-again believers, warn the masses, call for repentance, and plead for adherence to God’s warnings stated within His Word. However, as with all spiritual matters, it’s crucial for modern-day prophets to approach any prophetic message with Biblical discernment, testing its authenticity and alignment with the teachings of the Bible. Remember, true prophecy will always glorify God and align with His Word.

The Balance Between Predictions, Biblical Prophecies & the Prophet.

It’s important to note that while some people may make predictions based on their interpretation of Biblical prophecies, they are not the same as the prophecies themselves. The interpretation and understanding of Bible-centered prophecies can vary among different teachers and individuals. Always approach such interpretations with discernment and consider them in the context of the Word of God. Most importantly, it is imperative to trust the teacher who connects predictions to Biblical prophecies!

The predictions I am making today are based on present Biblical prophecies.

I am not saying each of these predictions will happen - as in predicting the future. However, I am revealing the strong probability of such forthcoming events and societal changes.

I base my 2025 “findings” on my present research and studies of the Word of God. My method is simple. I take past societal events, connect them to the present state of affairs, and make projections after connecting them to existing prophecies. Here is the start of my Seventy-Seven Predictions:

Monarchy vs. Democracy: In Daniel 2:44, the Bible refers to the political governing structure of God’s form of managing His people. “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will establish a kingdom that will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not pass into the hands of another people. It will break to pieces and consume all those kingdoms; but it, itself, will stand forever.” This form of governance is fading among the nations.

PREDICTION: Governments throughout the world will soon be forced to come under a “kingdom” type of reign. All democracy systems will be challenged to either join the forthcoming one-world governance or pay the price. Any leader who seems to have the “power” to stand against this new objective, most likely, will be forced out or be subject to the threat of global funded assassinations.

Democracies are the greatest threat to the upcoming Antichrist. Satan will rule the earth through a monarchy system - one man, all obey the king, or suffer the consequences. In 2025, it is likely that we will see a major shift in this type of global systematic governance on a grand scale.

Wars and Rumors of Wars: In Matthew 24, the Bible refers to the end times with the phrase “There will be wars and rumors of wars” and “earthquakes in diverse places.” This prophecy is seen by some as being fulfilled with the current global conflicts and natural disasters.

PREDICTION: After the American elections, it is likely a Civil War will break out, first in America and then globally. It will not matter which “party” wins the elections. If the conservative side wins, the socialist party will declare war on all conservatives, particularly Bible-believing individuals and groups. If the socialists win, you will see a rise in passive Christians becoming more violent. When this happens, America, as well as global leaders, will unfold their plan to mute Christians worldwide.

Russia and Iran Partnership: Some interpret the recent closer ties between Russia and Iran in light of Ezekiel 38, a key Bible chapter containing what is believed to be important End Times prophecies. While the world will view Russia as a “big bully,” Iran and other Muslim-dominant countries will see Russia, the Northern Bear, as a savior to their Islamic world.

PREDICTION: Within 2025, or after the partnership between Iran & Russia is secure, one of two things will occur. If a conservative anti-Islamic President takes office, a global war will erupt between America and those that support her, with all Islamic-based cell groups worldwide. Terrorist cells will enact a “Jahad,” holy war, with every country that does not support their “rights” to global control. While superpowers will hesitate to make use of nuclear weapons, the Islamic territories will not!

If a socialist type of President wins the race, who refuses to defend Israel, Israel will go into overdrive, enacting a war to protect themselves from every country that refuses to defend her land, as well as with countries that support the Northern Bear, Russia. This will be a war unlike any war Israel has experienced to date - a war where Israel will use every arsenal, to defend themselves.

The Ingathering of the Jewish Exiles: The prophecy in Ezekiel 34:13, “And I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them,” is seen by most as being fulfilled with the return of Jewish people to Israel. Even though this “ingathering” has been taking place over the last decade, this type of gathering will be a calling like the world has never seen. God will put a “calling” within all Jews, from all nations, to return to their motherland to assist in defending Israel in the up-and-coming war.

PREDICTION: My guesstimate is toward the end of 2025 after the Civil War is “heated up” enough to cause Israel’s alarming concern, Jews worldwide will be forced to move to Israel due to the threat of Jewish hatred within the places/countries they live. Israel will open their arms to all Jews with open borders for their people to come and assist in the global uprising of international “Jew haters.” This “ingathering” will motivate Israel to take back the original landmass promised to them by God to the 12 tribes of Israel. The original landmass promised will affect every nation that surrounds Israel today.

Seven-Year Tribulation: Most authentic believers presently support the Biblical prophecy of the approaching Antichrist, who will cause God to enact the Seven-Year Tribulation, a period of severe trials and hardships foretold in the Bible. While the first three and a half years will be filled with “fake peace,” the second half will be an all-out attempt by the Antichrist to destroy God’s Jews, which enacts God’s Seven Bowls of Judgement.

PREDICTION: While the above is not likely to occur in 2025. The world will see the “birth-pangs” of the Antichrist’s global plan of global peace through his leaders within the European Union’s “global peace plan.” My prediction is within the year 2025, we will see the United Nations, the EU, and its tendons, stepping forward to press in on all countries to submit to their pre-established global monitoring system. Some call it “AI.”

One of the most significant requirements will be “digital currency,” or the “digital dollar.” Another will be through global health or medical monitoring. All healthcare services will be obligated to turn over all medical information globally to the World Health Organization. This, I believe, will take the front seat in 2025.

THE RAPTURE: No one knows the timing of the Rapture. Those who believe that this event takes place before the Antichrist steps out of his closet, believe that Yeshua/Jesus will gather up all His authentically saved, indwelt believers, before the Antichrist shows his ugly face.

PREDICTION: Throughout 2025, the rise of “talk” regarding the Rapture will increase significantly. False prophets and “predictors” will surface like no other time in history - even the elect in Christ can be deceived and face confusion. I predict that the world will be faced with the great delusion and demonic doctrines before the Antichrist can step into global power. Throughout the year of 2025, you WILL see, and hear opinionates “shoutout” lukewarm Christianized beliefs and global peace like no other time in world history.

Rise of Christianized Witchcraft & Sorcery: Revelation 18:23 states, “…for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery. Toward the approaching of the Antichrist, idolatry, sorcery, witchcraft, and other demonic manifestations will dominate the masses.

PREDICTION: While the devil has been working on blending demonic sorcery in with the global masses and their religions for centuries, in 2025 you will see Christianized witchcraft spoken of freely. From “memes” to published books and posts, we will see a rise in self-proclaimed “Christians” openly propagating a blend of demons with their faith in “Christ.” This increased focus is purposed to set the world stage for the Antichrist’s False Prophet. However, the “Christ” in this delusional phase of global religious thought is not the Biblical Jesus Christ - even though they deceptively make use of His name.

Global Moral Decay: Moral decay has been in motion since the fall of Adam and Eve. The “Flood” was used by God to address this matter. The Ark was the Old Testament’s version of the forthcoming Rapture. Global Decay is different than individualized decay. Worldwide decay is moral and ethical decay in such a way that the global masses hate people of moral standings.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 speaks to this, which describes people in the last days as being lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.

PREDICTION: 2025 will reveal a global shift in moral thinking. To gain the global community’s support propagated by the Antichrist’s forthcoming global peace deal, the masses must host the above 2 Timothy list as a lifestyle. The logic is simple. The world must be entirely out of control before the Antichrist can step in with his plan. Immorality must consume the world before the Antichrist can introduce his False Prophet. 2025 will not fulfill these requirements, it will reveal the global shift to set up for his “solution.”

Persecution of Immovable Christians: The Bible predicts in Matthew 24:9 that immovable authentic Christians will be persecuted. The increasing reports of real-deal believers being persecuted in various parts of the world are seen as a fulfillment of this prophecy.

PREDICTION: Anyone, saved or not, can see that Christian Persecution is on the rise, watching the numbers and events increase each year. However, I believe that because of all the noted items above, in 2025, these numbers will go exponential. God calls this separating the goals from the sheep. Before the Rapture can take place, the Lord needs to separate the “fake believers” from the true indwelt believers. The rise of persecution in 2025 will activate this process.

False Prophets: Matthew 24:24 warns of false prophets who will perform great signs and wonders. The rise of individuals claiming to speak for God will be evident by most. However, these teachers will contradict the Bible, which is seen by some as a fulfillment of the Matthew 24 prophecy.

PREDICTION: It doesn’t take a modern prophet to figure out that the world is leaning toward fortune tellers, half-baked “bible” prophecies, and twisted interpretations of the Word are on the rise. In light of analyzing the past decade, I believe false prophets will come to the forefront within the next couple of years. The closer we get to the great reveal of the coming False Prophet, the more workers of his magical wonders will plague our culture.

Global Economic Downturns: Revelation 6:6 reveals a time coming when a quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius. In today’s standard, that is $20 for a loaf of bread. In reviewing the global high inflation, high unemployment, over-the-top excessive debt, asset bubbles, and geopolitical events, a worldwide economic crash is inevitable.

PREDICTION: While the mainstream media will work to cover up this crisis, poverty will dominate the world’s economic system. In 2025 we will see this used to force the political system of socialism, which will be the governing system of the Antichrist. As soon as the greater percentage of the masses are forced to shift to the “digital dollar,” people throughout the world will be forced to make a choice - join the “new norm,” or starve. Since digital currency will be launched as the norm in 2025, and with the masses refusing to jump on board, millions of people will go from a type of wealth to overnight poverty.

Natural Disasters: “‘And I will heap disasters upon them; I will spend my arrows on them; they shall be wasted with hunger, and devoured by plague and poisonous pestilence; I will send the teeth of beasts against them, with the venom of things that crawl in the dust.” (Deuteronomy 32:23-24) The book of Revelation predicts horrific natural disasters.

PREDICTION: In the past year, natural disasters have increased by 200% from the previous year. In 2025, we should brace ourselves for an increase of avalanches, cold waves, drought, earthquakes, floods, flash floods, heat waves, ice storms, cosmic impact events, landslides, and limnic eruptions - carbon dioxide explosions in freshwater lakes & rivers. These are all precursors and warnings of the forthcoming Seven Bowls of Wrath noted in Revelation.

I will be releasing more 2025 predictions essays throughout the series + special briefs given to me by my “insiders” who are in the know of global spiritual, cultural, and political plans and declarations. You don’t want to miss these essay releases.

Downloadable sample chapters throughout the series!

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Until next time, fear not. I will leave you with Yeshua’s words: Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days, you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. (Revelation 2:10)

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The End Times Podcast
Welcome to: 'End Times Podcast,' an outreach of Identity Matters Productions & IOM America. A podcast helping members of the body of Christ to experience a well-balanced view of modern events and how they apply to Biblical prophecies.